Ready To Lead Podcast
Weekly tools, tips, and stories to inspire and empower you to become a better leader.
With Jeff Mask & Richard Lindner

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Latest Podcast Episodes

3 Keys to Leading a Winning Team with Jeff Mask
When you have clarity in the role, clarity as a whole, and clarity of goals, the team you’re leading will absolutely be winning. Today’s episode

Leadership Mindset, Positive Focus, and Your First 90 Days Leading a New Team
The absolute foundation of leadership is a powerful positive mindset, and it needs to start on day one. What comes to mind when you hear

Leadership Mindset, Positive Focus, and Your First 90 Days Leading a New Team with Richard Lindner and Jeff Mask
The absolute foundation of leadership is a powerful positive mindset, and it needs to start on day one. What comes to mind when you hear

How to Hold Your Team Accountable
Leading from a place of empathy and accountability isn’t easy, but it’s the only way to get the results you want. How the heck do I hold

4 Foundational Principles of Leadership
There’s no perfect way to lead, but there’s a good way, and these four foundational principles lay the groundwork for long-term success as a leader. The Ready to Lead

Does the World Really Need Another Leadership Podcast?
Eighteen months ago, the world didn’t need another leadership podcast, but the world has completely changed. In this introductory episode of the Ready to Lead Podcast,